Meaning in Suffering?

Meaning in Suffering?

Suffering pervades our lives. Often it seems meaningless. Why is there suffering? How is it interpreted in different worldviews? Does suffering refute the existence of a good and almighty god? Does suffering make sense?
How can we cope with suffering?
This documentary introduces very different people: some explain very profound philosophical thoughts about suffering, the meaning of life and God, others are suffering themselves from incurable diseases or are survivors of
a genocide…
But all of them want to encourage us to be engaged with the question of suffering and not to resign.

Dr. Shabbir Akhtar (Muslim Philosophy, Oxford)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Clausen (Theology, Marburg)
Dr. Sharon Dirckx (Neuroscience, Oxford)
Amihud Glaser (Jewish Rabbi, AlonShvut/Bethlehem)
Tom Holland (Historian, Author, London)
Immaculée Ilibagiza (Genocide survivor, author, Rwanda, New York)
Prof. Dr. Peter Imming (Pharmazeutical Chemistry, Halle/Saale)
Dr. Dr. Joachim Kahl (Philosophy, Theology, Marburg)
Prof. Dr. John Lennox (Mathematics, Oxford)
Jürgen Mette (Theology, Parkinson Patient, Marburg)
Mark Moser (Intercultural Communication, Chronic Pain Patient, Olten/CH)
Esmé Partridge (Interfaith Consultant, Oxford)
Ellis Potter (Theology, Basel)
Dr. Jürgen Spieß (Ancient History, Marburg)

Language: english, with subtitles
Duration: 55 minutes
Producer: Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft, ,
Production: Daniel Villiger,
Copyright 2024: Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft

Meaning in Suffering?
  • Meaning in Suffering?

    Suffering pervades our lives. Often it seems meaningless. Why is there suffering? How is it interpreted in different worldviews? Does suffering refute the existence of a good and almighty god? Does suffering make sense?
    How can we cope with suffering?
    This documentary introduces very different...